Environment Setup
(Interworked) Audio Output | Recording/Display [Emergency Frame] |
:Through detection of motion, an external sensor’s detection, or user’s
By interworking with the connected external sensor, the audio data of the corresponding channel can be outputted based on generation of sensor signals.
The audio data of the corresponding camera can be outputted according to detection of the moving camera images.
Select Camera
: Type in the camera number to set the frames to record per camera during an emerency.
The list of cameras set in Hardware [Camera] tab will be displayed, and displayed camera number represent channels currently being recoreded.
The recording frame rate per camera will be separately set and saved for each camera.
Recording frame rate per camera
: The user can adjust the number of frames to be recorded during an emergency for each camera.
It is recommanded to increase the recording frame rate per camera when a signal is inputted to a sensor connecting to a certain camera.
• If an emergency situation occurs by Emergency Frame feature, the recorded frames of other cameras may be lower than he setting.
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