Samsung VP-M110R/XEV Precaution regarding the Lithium Battery, Upozornûní k lithiové baterii


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Notes and Safety Instructions

Poznámky a bezpeãnostní pokyny

Precaution regarding the Lithium Battery

1.The camcorder’s built-in lithium battery maintains the clock function and user settings, even if the battery pack or AC adapter is removed.

2.The lithium battery for the camcorder lasts about 3 months under normal operation from the time of installation.

3.When the lithium battery becomes weak or is dead, the date/time indicator will display 00:00 1.JAN.2005 when you set the Date/Time to On.

When this occurs, connect the camcorder to power to fully recharge the built- in lithium battery. If the same problem occurs with a fully recharged battery, contact a Samsung authorized Service Centre to replace the battery.

Upozornûní k lithiové baterii

1.Díky zabudované lithiové baterii je zachovávána funkce ãasu a uÏivatelské nastavení, i kdyÏ je jednotka baterií vyjmuta nebo je odpojen adaptér.

2.Za normálních provozních podmínek vydrÏí lithiová baterie videokamery po dobu 3 mûsícÛ od její instalace.

3.Je-li lithiová baterie slabá nebo vybitá a je-li zapnutá funkce Datum/ãas, zobrazí se na indikátoru data/ãasu 00:00 1.JAN.2005. KdyÏ k tomu dojde, pfiipojte videokameru k napájení, aby se úplnû nabila zabudovaná lithiová baterie. Pokud dojde ke stejnému problému, kdyÏ je baterie zcela nabita, kontaktujte autorizované servisní stfiedisko Samsung a nechte baterii vymûnit.

Precautions regarding the external lithium battery for the remote control


Keep the LITHIUM BATTERY(Remote Control) out of reach of children. Should a battery be swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.


Do not attempt to service this Camcorder yourself.

Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.

Replacement Parts

When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer and having the same characteristics as the original part.

Unauthorised substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.

Separate Disposal of Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European Countries requiring separate collection)

This symbol on the product or on its package/warranty indicates that this product shall not be treated as unsorted municipal waste. It shall be separately returned to the applicable collection facilities for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.

By disposing of this product correctly, you will contribute to reuse, recycling and other recovery of the product. This will help to conserve natural resource and to reduce potential negative impacts to the environment and human health. For more further information about return and collection system available to you, please contact your waste disposal service or the seller of the product.


Upozornûní k externí lithiové baterii pro dálkov˘ ovladaã


Uchovávejte LITHIOVOU BATERII (dálkov˘ ovladaã) mimo dosah dûtí. Pokud dojde ke spolknutí baterie, kontaktujte ihned lékafie.

Pokud bude baterie nesprávnû vloÏena, hrozí riziko exploze. VymûÀte baterii pouze za stejn˘ nebo rovnocenn˘ typ.


Nepokou‰ejte se videokameru opravovat sami. Otevfiením nebo odstranûním krytÛ mohu b˘t odkryty ãásti s nebezpeãn˘m napûtím nebo jinak nebezpeãné souãásti. Ve‰keré opravy pfienechejte kvalifikovanému personálu servisu.

Náhradní díly

Pokud jsou potfieba náhradní díly, ujistûte se, Ïe servisní technik pouÏil náhradní díly specifikované v˘robcem, které mají stejné vlastnosti jako pÛvodní díly. Nesprávné náhradní díly mohou zpÛsobit poÏár, úraz elektrick˘m proudem nebo jiné nebezpeãí.

Likvidace elektrického a elektronického vybavení ve tfiídûném odpadu (platné v Evropské unii a v dal‰ích evropsk˘ch zemích s povinn˘m tfiídûním odpadu)

Tento symbol na produktu nebo na jeho obalu/záruãním listu informuje, Ïe tento produkt nelze likvidovat jako netfiídûn˘ komunální odpad. Musí b˘t pfiedán pfiíslu‰né sbûrné sluÏbû, která zaji‰Èuje recyklaci elektrického a elektronického vybavení. Správnou likvidací pfiispûjete k recyklaci a dal‰ímu moÏnému vyuÏití tohoto produktu. Tfiídûní odpadu pomáhá zachovávat pfiírodní zdroje a sniÏuje moÏné negativní dopady na Ïivotní prostfiedí a lidské zdraví. Dal‰í informace o dostupn˘ch moÏnostech vrácení a sbûru získáte od nejbliωí sbûrné sluÏby nebo od prodejce produktu.

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Samsung VP-M110R/XEV Precaution regarding the Lithium Battery, Upozornûní k lithiové baterii, Servicing, Replacement Parts

VP-M110R/XSG, VP-M110R/XEV, VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEC, VP-M110R/EUR specifications

The Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF represent a remarkable range of consumer camcorders designed for video enthusiasts and casual users alike. These models incorporate cutting-edge technology and features, enabling users to capture high-quality footage with ease.

One of the main features of these camcorders is their impressive video resolution capabilities. Most models in this lineup support recording in full HD, providing crystal-clear video quality that enhances the viewing experience. The 1080p resolution ensures that details are sharp, making these camcorders ideal for personal projects or family events.

The VP-M110 series also includes advanced optical zoom functionality. Leveraging high-quality lenses, these camcorders allow users to zoom in on distant subjects without losing clarity. Whether capturing sporting events or wildlife, the optical zoom feature ensures that the focus remains precise, enabling users to capture captivating footage from afar.

Users will also appreciate the array of manual settings that the VP-M110 series offers. For those who wish to take greater control over their recording experience, these camcorders provide options such as manual focus, exposure settings, and white balance adjustments. This versatility allows videographers to be creative and adapt their shooting style to various environments and lighting conditions.

The VP-X110L/XEF model stands out with its unique design and user-friendly interface. Its lightweight and compact form factor make it portable, catering to users who are always on the go. Moreover, the intuitive touch screen interface simplifies navigation, making it easy for users to adjust settings or review recordings.

In terms of connectivity, these camcorders come equipped with HDMI and USB outputs, allowing for straightforward connection to televisions and computer systems. This feature enhances versatility, enabling users to enjoy instant playback on larger screens or transfer content to editing software with minimal fuss.

Battery life is another critical aspect of these camcorders. With extended recording times, users can capture moments without frequently worrying about battery depletion. Additionally, the ability to charge via standard USB ports increases convenience, making it easier to keep the device ready for action.

Overall, the Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF are equipped with modern features and technologies that cater to both novice and experienced videographers. With their high-resolution video capabilities, optical zoom, manual controls, and user-friendly interfaces, these camcorders offer an impressive solution for anyone looking to document life's moments beautifully and effectively.