Samsung VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEF Symptom Explanation/Solution, You cannot switch, Camcorder on


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Vyhledávání závad

If these instructions do not solve your problem, contact your nearest Samsung authorized service centre.

Pokud následující pokyny nepovedou k odstranûní problému, spojte se s nejbliωím autorizovan˘m servisním stfiediskem firmy Samsung.



You cannot switch the

Check that the Battery pack or the AC Power adapter.

Camcorder on.


Start/Stop button

Check that the Power switch is set to CAMERA.

does not operate

You have reached the end of the cassette.

while recording.

Check the record protection tab on the cassette.



The Camcorder shuts

You have left the Camcorder set to STBY for more

than 5 minutes without using it.

off automatically.

The Battery pack is fully exhausted.




Charge runs out

The atmospheric temperature is too low.

The Battery pack has not been charged fully.


The Battery pack is completely dead, and cannot be


recharged. Use another Battery pack.



When you see a blue

The video heads may be dirty.

screen during

Clean the head with a cleaning tape.





A vertical strip appears

The contrast between the subject and the background

on the screen when

is too great for the Camcorder to operate normally.

recording a dark

Make the background bright to reduce the contrast or


use the BLC function while you are recording in bright



The image in the

The Viewfinder lens has not been adjusted.

Adjust the Viewfinder control lever until the indicators

Viewfinder is blurred.

displayed on the Viewfinder come into sharp focus.




Auto focus does not

Check the Manual Focus menu.


Auto focus does not work in the Manual Focus mode.



Play, FF or REW

Check the Power switch. Set the Power switch to PLAYER.

button does not work.

You have reached the beginning or end of the cassette.

When you see a

This is normal operation and it is not a failure or

mosaic pattern


during playback

The tape may be damaged. Replace the tape.


Cleaning the video heads (see page 112).




Vysvûtlení / ¤e‰ení

Videokameru nelze

Zkontrolujte baterii nebo napájecí adaptér.



Pfii záznamu nefunguje

Zkontrolujte, zda je vypínaã Power v poloze CAMERA.

Bylo dosaÏeno konce kazety.

tlaãítko Start/Stop.

Zkontrolujte, zda není kazeta zaji‰tûna proti záznamu.




Videokamera se

Kameru jste ponechali déle neÏ 5 minut neãinnou

v reÏimu STBY.

automaticky vypíná.

Baterie je zcela vybitá.





Teplota okolního prostfiedí je pfiíli‰ nízká.

Baterie se rychle vybíjí.

Baterie nebyla zcela nabitá.

Baterie je u konce své Ïivotnosti a nelze ji nabít.



PouÏijte jinou.



Pfii pfiehrávání se

Videohlavy mohou b˘t zneãi‰tûny.

zobrazuje modrá plocha.

PouÏijte ãisticí kazetu.



Pfii záznamu scény

Kontrast mezi objektem a pozadím je pfiíli‰ velk˘ na to,

s tmav˘m pozadím se

aby kamera fungovala normálnû. Zesvûtlete pozadí,

v obraze objevuje svisl˘

aby se kontrast sníÏil nebo pfii záznamu s jasnûj‰ím


pozadím pouÏijte funkci BLC.



Obrázek v hledáãku je

Hledáãek nebyl správnû nastaven.

Zaostfiovací páãkou nastavte hledáãek tak, aby byly


obrysy indikátorÛ zobrazen˘ch v hledáãku ostré.




Nefunguje automatické

Zkontrolujte menu Manual Focus.

V reÏimu Manual Focus (Ruãní ostfiení) není


automatické ostfiení dostupné.




Tlaãítka Play, FF nebo

Vypínaã Power pfiepnûte do polohy PLAYER.

REW nefungují.

Bylo dosaÏeno zaãátku nebo konce kazety.



Bûhem hledání pfii

Tento jev je zcela normální, nejedná se o poruchu ani


pfiehrávání se zobrazí

Kazeta je pravdûpodobnû po‰kozená.

mozaikov˘ vzor.

VymûÀte kazetu. âi‰tûní hlav videa (viz strana 112).



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Samsung VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEF Symptom Explanation/Solution, You cannot switch, Camcorder on, Button does not work

VP-M110R/XSG, VP-M110R/XEV, VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEC, VP-M110R/EUR specifications

The Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF represent a remarkable range of consumer camcorders designed for video enthusiasts and casual users alike. These models incorporate cutting-edge technology and features, enabling users to capture high-quality footage with ease.

One of the main features of these camcorders is their impressive video resolution capabilities. Most models in this lineup support recording in full HD, providing crystal-clear video quality that enhances the viewing experience. The 1080p resolution ensures that details are sharp, making these camcorders ideal for personal projects or family events.

The VP-M110 series also includes advanced optical zoom functionality. Leveraging high-quality lenses, these camcorders allow users to zoom in on distant subjects without losing clarity. Whether capturing sporting events or wildlife, the optical zoom feature ensures that the focus remains precise, enabling users to capture captivating footage from afar.

Users will also appreciate the array of manual settings that the VP-M110 series offers. For those who wish to take greater control over their recording experience, these camcorders provide options such as manual focus, exposure settings, and white balance adjustments. This versatility allows videographers to be creative and adapt their shooting style to various environments and lighting conditions.

The VP-X110L/XEF model stands out with its unique design and user-friendly interface. Its lightweight and compact form factor make it portable, catering to users who are always on the go. Moreover, the intuitive touch screen interface simplifies navigation, making it easy for users to adjust settings or review recordings.

In terms of connectivity, these camcorders come equipped with HDMI and USB outputs, allowing for straightforward connection to televisions and computer systems. This feature enhances versatility, enabling users to enjoy instant playback on larger screens or transfer content to editing software with minimal fuss.

Battery life is another critical aspect of these camcorders. With extended recording times, users can capture moments without frequently worrying about battery depletion. Additionally, the ability to charge via standard USB ports increases convenience, making it easier to keep the device ready for action.

Overall, the Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF are equipped with modern features and technologies that cater to both novice and experienced videographers. With their high-resolution video capabilities, optical zoom, manual controls, and user-friendly interfaces, these camcorders offer an impressive solution for anyone looking to document life's moments beautifully and effectively.