Samsung VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110R/XEC manual USB Interface VP-D453i/D454i/D455i only


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USB Interface (VP-D453(i)/D454(i)/D455(i) only)

Rozhraní USB (pouze VP-D453(i)/D454(i)/D455(i))

Transferring a Digital Image through a USB Connection

The camcorder supports both USB 1.1 and 2.0 standards. (Depends on the PC specification)

You can easily transfer recorded files from a Memory Card to a PC without additional add-on cards via a USB connection.

If you transfer data to a PC, you need to install the software (DV Driver, Video Codec, DirectX 9.0) supplied with the Camcorder.

USB Connection speed depends on the System

Pfienos digitálního obrazu prostfiednictvím rozhraní USB

Videokamera podporuje normu USB 1.1 i 2.0 (závisí na parametrech PC).

Prostfiednictvím rozhraní USB lze snadno pfiená‰et snímky z pamûÈové karty do poãítaãe bez dodateãn˘ch karet.

Chcete-li pfiená‰et data do PC, musíte instalovat software (ovladaã DV, pfiehrávaã Video Codec, multimediální roz‰ífiení DirectX 9.0) dodávan˘ s videokamerou.

Rychlost rozhraní USB závisí na parametrech systému

High speed USB connection is supported by Microsoft (Windows) device drivers only.

Windows 98SE/ME - Full Speed USB

Windows 2000 - High speed USB on a system with Service Pack 4 or later installed.

Windows XP - High speed USB on a system with Service Pack 1 or later installed.

System Requirements


Windows System





Intel® Pentium III™, 600MHz

Intel® Pentium 4™, 2GHz

OS(Operating System)

Windows® 98SE/ME

Windows® 2000/XP




HDD capacity

1GB or more

2GB or more


1024 x 768 dots

1024 x 768 dots


24bit Colour

24bit Colour


USB 1.1

USB 2.0 High Speed

It is not available for Macintosh systems.

[ Notes ]

USB 2.0 works only for removable disk functions.

On a slower PC than recommended, movie playback may not be smooth or video editing may take a long time.

On a slower PC than recommended, movie playback may skip frames or operate unexpectedly.

Intel® Pentium III™ or Pentium 4™ is a trademark of the Intel Corporation.

Windows® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft® Corporation.

All other brands and names are property of their respective owners.

Operations are not guaranteed for all of the recommended computer environments mentioned above.

Do not connect the Camcorder to a PC using both DV and USB cables. It may not operate properly.

In M.Cam o M.Player mode, be sure that the Memory card is inserted into Camcorder before connecting USB cable. If no Memory card or an unformatted Memory card is inserted, PC will not recognize your camera as a removable disk.

USB Streaming requires Video Codec, DV Driver and DirectX 9.0.

If you disconnect the USB cable from the PC or the Camcorder during the data transfer, the data transfer will stop and the data may be damaged.

If you connect the USB cable to a PC using a USB HUB or with other devices at the

same time, it may cause conflict and may not work properly. If this occurs, remove all

80other USB devices and try the connection again.

Vysokorychlostní pfiipojení USB je podporováno pouze ovladaãi zafiízení Microsoft (Windows).

Windows 98SE/ME - vysokorychlostní USB


Windows 2000 - vysokorychlostní USB na systému s aktualizací Service Pack 4 nebo vy‰‰í.

Windows XP - vysokorychlostní USB na systému s aktualizací Service Pack 1 nebo vy‰‰í.

PoÏadavky na systém





Systém Windows






Intel® Pentium III, 600MHz

Intel® Pentium 4, 2 GHz

OS (Operaãní systém)

Windows® 98SE/ME

Windows® 2000/XP


128 MB

512 MB

Kapacita pevného disku

1 GB nebo více

2 GB nebo více


1024 x 768 pixelÛ

1024 x 768 pixelÛ



24bitové barvy

24bitové barvy


USB 1.1

Vysokorychlostní rozhraní USB 2.0

Pro systémy Macintosh není k dispozici.


[ Poznámky ]

Rozhraní USB 2.0 funguje pouze pro funkce vymûnitelného disku.

V poãítaãích, jejichÏ rychlost je niωí neÏ doporuãená, nemusí b˘t pfiehrávání obrazu plynulé nebo mÛÏe stfiih videozáznamu trvat del‰í dobu.

V poãítaãích, jejichÏ rychlost je niωí neÏ doporuãená, mÛÏe docházet k v˘padkÛm snímkÛ nebo neoãekávanému chování.

Intel® Pentium IIInebo Pentium 4je ochranná známka spoleãnosti Intel Corporation.

Windows® je registrovaná ochranná známka spoleãnosti Microsoft® Corporation.

V‰echny ostatní znaãky a názvy jsou vlastnictvím pfiíslu‰n˘ch vlastníkÛ.

Správn˘ prÛbûh ãinnosti není u v‰ech v˘‰e doporuãen˘ch poãítaãov˘ch systémÛ zaruãen.

Videokameru nepfiipojujte k poãítaãi souãasnû pomocí kabelÛ DV i USB, nemusela by správnû fungovat.

V reÏimu M.Cam nebo M.Player, si pfied pfiipojením kabelu USB ovûfite, zda byla do videokamery vloÏena pamûÈová karta. Pokud do ní nebyla vloÏena pamûÈová karta nebo byla vloÏena karta nenaformátovaná, poãítaã videokameru nerozpozná jako v˘mûnn˘ disk.

Pro pfienos dat prostfiednictvím rozhraní USB potfiebujete aplikace Video Codec, ovladaã DV a rozhraní DirectX 9.0.

Pokud odpojíte USB kabel od PC nebo videokamery bûhem pfienosu, pfienos dat se zastaví a mÛÏe dojít k jejich poru‰ení.

Pokud pfiipojujete kabel USB k poãítaãi pomocí rozboãovaãe USB HUB nebo za souãasného pfiipojení dal‰ího zafiízení, mÛÏe dojít ke konfliktu a zafiízení nemusí pracovat správnû.

V tomto pfiípadû odpojte v‰echna ostatní zafiízení USB a zkuste navázat znovu spojení.

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Samsung VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110R/XEC, VP-M110R/XSG, VP-M110R/XEV manual USB Interface VP-D453i/D454i/D455i only

VP-M110R/XSG, VP-M110R/XEV, VP-M110R/KNT, VP-M110R/XEC, VP-M110R/EUR specifications

The Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF represent a remarkable range of consumer camcorders designed for video enthusiasts and casual users alike. These models incorporate cutting-edge technology and features, enabling users to capture high-quality footage with ease.

One of the main features of these camcorders is their impressive video resolution capabilities. Most models in this lineup support recording in full HD, providing crystal-clear video quality that enhances the viewing experience. The 1080p resolution ensures that details are sharp, making these camcorders ideal for personal projects or family events.

The VP-M110 series also includes advanced optical zoom functionality. Leveraging high-quality lenses, these camcorders allow users to zoom in on distant subjects without losing clarity. Whether capturing sporting events or wildlife, the optical zoom feature ensures that the focus remains precise, enabling users to capture captivating footage from afar.

Users will also appreciate the array of manual settings that the VP-M110 series offers. For those who wish to take greater control over their recording experience, these camcorders provide options such as manual focus, exposure settings, and white balance adjustments. This versatility allows videographers to be creative and adapt their shooting style to various environments and lighting conditions.

The VP-X110L/XEF model stands out with its unique design and user-friendly interface. Its lightweight and compact form factor make it portable, catering to users who are always on the go. Moreover, the intuitive touch screen interface simplifies navigation, making it easy for users to adjust settings or review recordings.

In terms of connectivity, these camcorders come equipped with HDMI and USB outputs, allowing for straightforward connection to televisions and computer systems. This feature enhances versatility, enabling users to enjoy instant playback on larger screens or transfer content to editing software with minimal fuss.

Battery life is another critical aspect of these camcorders. With extended recording times, users can capture moments without frequently worrying about battery depletion. Additionally, the ability to charge via standard USB ports increases convenience, making it easier to keep the device ready for action.

Overall, the Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF are equipped with modern features and technologies that cater to both novice and experienced videographers. With their high-resolution video capabilities, optical zoom, manual controls, and user-friendly interfaces, these camcorders offer an impressive solution for anyone looking to document life's moments beautifully and effectively.