Dialing Options
Dialing options are displayed when you press Options softkey) after entering numbers in standby mode.
Abbrev. Dial to use the Abbreviated Dialing feature. (See “Setting Abbreviated Dialing” on page 47 and “Using Abbreviated Dialing” on page 24.)
Call to dial the phone number.
Call:Speaker On to dial the phone number in speakerphone mode.
Send Message to send a text message (see page 105).
Save Phone# to save the phone number in your Contacts. (See “Saving a Phone Number” on page 21.)
Find to display Contacts entries that end with the digits you entered. (See “Finding a Phone Number” on page 21.)
P Hard Pause to insert a hard pause. (See “Dialing and Saving Phone Numbers With Pauses” on page 22.)
Hyphen to insert a hyphen manually where you like.