Retrieving Your Voicemail Messages
Press and hold . (Your phone will dial your voicemail box.)
– or –
Select > Messaging > Voicemail > Call Voicemail.
Note: You are charged for airtime minutes when you are accessing your voicemail from your phone.
Clearing the Message Icon
Press > Messaging > Voicemail > Clear Count > Yes.
Editing Your Voicemail Number
You may need to change the number to retrieve your voicemail.
To change the number:
1.Select > Messaging > Voicemail > Edit Voicemail#.
2.Edit your voicemail number and press .
To reset your voicemail number:
1.Select > Messaging > Voicemail > Edit Voicemail#.
2.Press Options (right softkey) > Reset Voicemail# > Yes.
3.Press .