Multiline Appearance/Keyset
3.7.2Configure Keyset Operation
The following parameters provide general settings which are common for all keyset lines.
The Rollover ring setting will be used in the case that, during an active call, an incoming call arrives on a different line. If "no ring" is selected, the incoming call will not initiate a ring. If "alert ring" is selected, a special alert ringtone is activated on an incoming call; "alert beep" selects a beep instead of a ringtone. "Standard ringtone" selects the default ringtone.
LED on registration determines whether the line LEDs will be lit for a few seconds if they have been registered successfully with the SIP server on phone startup.
The Originating line preference parameter determines which line will be used when the user goes
When a terminating call exists, the terminating line preference takes priority over >originating line preference.
The following preferences can be configured:
•"idle line": An idle line is selected. The selection is based on the Hunt ranking param- eter assigned to each line (see Section 3.7.1, “Line key configuration”).
•"primary": The designated Primary Line is always selected for originating calls.
•"last": The line selected for originating calls is the line that has been used for the last call (originating or terminating).
•"none": The user manually selects a line by pressing its line key before going
The Terminating line preference parameter decides which terminating line, i. e. line with an incoming call, is selected when the user goes
The following preferences can be configured:
•"ringing line": The line in the alerting or audible ringing state is automatically selected when the user goes
•"ringing PLP": The line in the alerting or audible ringing state is automatically selected when the user goes
•"incoming": The earliest line to start audible ringing is selected, or else the earliest alerting (ringing suppression ignored) line is selected.
•"incoming PLP": The earliest line to start audible ringing is selected, or else the earliest alerting (ringing suppression ignored) line is selected. However, if the prime line is alerting, it is given priority.
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HiPath 8000 - OpenStage Family, Administration Manual |