Transferring Phone Software, Application and Media Files
3.10Transferring Phone Software, Application and Media Files
New software images, hold music, picture clips for phonebook entries, LDAP templates, com- pany logos, screensaver images, and ringtones can be uploaded to the phone via DLS (De- ployment Service) or WBM (Web Based Management).
For all user data, which includes files as well as phonebook content, the following >amounts of storage place are available:
• OpenStage 20/40: 4 MB
• OpenStage 60/80: 8 MB
3.10.1 FTP/HTTPS Server
There are no specific requirements regarding the FTP server for transferring files to the Open- Stage phone. Any FTP server providing standard functionality will do.
3.10.2Common FTP/HTTPS Settings
For each one of the various file types, e.g. phone software, hold music, and picture clips, spe- cific FTP/HTTPS access data can be defined. If some or all file types have the parameters Download method, Server, Server port, Account, Username, FTP path, and HTTPS baser URL in common, they can be specified here. These settings will be used for a specific file type if its Use defaults parameter is set to "Yes".
If Use defaults is activated for a specific file type, any specific settings for this file >type are overridden by the defaults.
Data required
•Download method: Selects the protocol to be used.
Value range: "FTP", "HTTPS".
Default: "FTP".
•Server address: IP address or hostname of the FTP/HTTPS server in use.
•Server port: Port number of the FTP/HTTPS server in use.
Default: 21.
•FTP account: Account at the server (if applicable).
•FTP username: User name for accessing the server.
•FTP password: Password corresponding to the user name.
•FTP path: Path of the directory containing the files.
•HTTPS base URL: IP address or hostname of the HTTPS server in use; only applicable if Download method is switched to "HTTPS".
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