Corporate Phonebook: Directory Settings
3.11Corporate Phonebook: Directory Settings
>LDAP is available only on OpenStage 60/80 phones.
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol enables access to a directory server via an LDAP client. Various personal information is stored there, e.g. the name, organisation and contact data of persons working in an organisation. When the LDAP client has found a person’s data, e. g. by looking up the surname, the user can call this person directly using the displayed num- ber.
>The OpenStage phone supports LDAPv3.
For connecting the phone’s LDAP client to a LDAP server, the required access data must be configured. The parameters Server address and Server port specify the IP address and host- name as well as the port used by the LDAP server. If the Authentication is not set to "Anony- mous", the user must authenticate himself with the server by providing an User name and a corresponding Password.
Data required
•Server address: IP address or hostname of the LDAP server.
•Server port: Port on which the LDAP server is listening for requests.
Default: 389.
•Authentication: Authentication method used for connecting to the LDAP server. value
range: "Anonymous", "Simple".
Default: "Anonymous".
•User name: User name used for authentication with the LDAP server.
•Password: Password used for authentication with the LDAP server.
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