3.17.8Core dump
If Enable core dump is checked, a core dump will be initiated in case of a severe error. The core dump will be saved to a file. By default, this function is activated.
When File size unlimited is checked, there is no size limit for the core dump file. By default, it is not checked.
The maximum size for core dump files in MBytes can be chosen in the Limited file size (MBs) field. The possible values are 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100. The default value is 100.
If Delete core dump is activated, the current core dump file is deleted on Submit. By default, this is not activated.
If one or more core dump file exist, hyperlinks for downloading will be created automatically.
Administration via WBM
Diagnostics > Miscellaneous > Core dump
3.17.9Remote Tracing - Syslog (V1R4.x upwards)
All trace messages created by the components of the phone software can be sent to a remote server using the syslog protocol. This is helpful especially for
To enable remote tracing, Remote trace status must be set to "Enabled". Furthermore, the IP address of the server receiving the syslog messages must be entered in Remote ip, and the corresponding server port must be given in Remote port.
Administration via Local Phone
--- Remote trace status --- Remote ip
--- Remote port
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