Parameter Function
P210 |
| Transducer reading (%) |
P211 | ∙ |
| 0% setpoint |
P212 | ∙ |
| 100% setpoint |
P220 |
| PI frequency |
P700 |
P701 | ∙ |
P702 |
P880 |
P910 | ∙ |
| Local/Remote mode |
P918 | ∙ | ||
P922 |
| Software version |
P923 | ∙ Equipment system number | ||
P927 | ∙ | ||
P928 | ∙ | ||
P930 |
| Most recent fault code |
P931 |
| Most recent warning type |
| Range |
| Description / Notes |
| [Default] |
| ||
0.0- 100.0 Read only. Value is a percentage of full scale of the selected input.
0 - 1 0 = Normal operation
[0]1 = Switch off inverter output at or below minimum frequency.
Specific to
Access only possible with P099 = 1
0 - 4 Sets the inverter for local control or remote control over the serial link:
[0]0 = Local control
1 = Remote control (and setting of parameter values)
2 = Local control (but remote control of frequency)
3 = Remote control (but local control of frequency)
4 = Local control (but remote read and write access to parameters and facility to reset trips)
Note: When operating the inverter via remote control (P910 = 1 or 3), the analogue input remains active when P006 = 1 and is added to the setpoint.
Specific to
0.00- 99.99 Contains the software version number and cannot be changed.
0 - 255 You can use this parameter to allocate a unique reference number to
[0]the inverter. It has no operational effect.
Specific to
Access only possible with P099 = 1
0 - 9999 |
| The last recorded fault code (see section 6) is stored in this parameter. |
| This parameter can be cleared using the Δ and ∇ buttons. | |
0 - 9999 |
| The last recorded warning is stored in this parameter until power is |
| removed from the inverter: |
002 = | Current limit active |
003 = | Voltage limit active |
005 = | Inverter |
P944 |
| Reset to factory default settings | 0 - 1 |
| Set to ‘1’ and then press P to reset all parameters except P101 to the | |
| [0] |
| factory default settings. |
© Siemens plc 1997 | |
26/09/97 | 32 |