GENERALIf you are not in the office for a certain period of time (e.g. meeting, vacation, lunch, illness), this feature allows you to inform your callers why you are absent.
Note: When you have activated a diversion with a personal greeting, callers will receive this greeting instead of your activated absence information.
You can inform your callers with:
1) Pre-defined texts
Enter the reason for your absence and the date and time of your return. Internal callers receive the information on the display or as spoken information (depending on telephone type). External callers will be routed to the operator who also has access to your absent info.
2) Voice information
Record a voice message and name your absent information. Internal callers will hear the information via the handset or the loudspeaker. External callers will be routed to the operator who also has access to your absent info.
BusinessPhone 250 / BusinessPhone 50 | 33 |
Portable DT310 / DT360 / DT368 |