Sony DVP-S725D Turn the click shuttle, While playing a disc, press pto stop playback, Press á

Models: DVP-S725D

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Playing Discs

Playing at Various Speeds/Frame by Frame

To play the disc frame by frame changing the playback speed (Jog mode)

1 Press JOG.



JOGlightsupduringjogmode. Whenyoupr





2Turn the click shuttle.

Dependingontheturningspeed,theplaybackgoesto frame-by-frameinthedir ectionthattheclickshuttleis turned. Ifyouturntheclickshuttlewithconstant speedforawhile,theplaybackspeedgoestoslowor normal.

To return to Continuous Play

Press á.


• The JOG indicator shows the mode of the cor responding click shuttle. For example, when the JOG indicator on the r emote is not lit, the r emote click shuttle will r emain in the shuttle mode even if the indicator on the player is lit.

• If you don‘t operate the click shuttle for about 20 seconds after pressing JOG, it r eturns to shuttle mode on the r emote. On the player, it stays in jog mode.

Resuming Playback from the Point Where You Stopped the Disc (Resume Play)

Theplayerstor esthepointwher eyoustoppedthedisc

andif“RESUME”appearsonthefr ontpaneldisplay . You canr esumeplaybackfr omthatpoint.

Aslongasyoudonotopenthedisctray ,ResumePlayis availableevenifyoutur nthepowerof f.


á p

1While playing a disc, press pto stop playback.

“RESUME”appearsinthefr ontpaneldisplayand


estar tsfr ompointyou







2 Press á.


Theplayerstar tsplaybackfr

omthepointwher eyou



zTo play from the beginning of the disc

When the playing time appears on the fr ont panel display befor e you star t playing, pr ess pto r eset the playing time, then pr ess á.


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Image 18
Sony DVP-S725D operating instructions Turn the click shuttle, While playing a disc, press pto stop playback, Press á