Display the shot mark list.

Function Mark Shot 6 Chapter

To delete more than one shot mark, keep F6 (MARK) selected and turn the MULTI CONTROL knob to select all the target shot marks.

3 With F6 (MARK) selected, press the ALT/DELETE button.

This deletes the shot marks marked with an “X”.

To delete the entire list

Holding down the ALT/DELETE button, select F7 (LIST). This deletes all the shot marks from the list. This does not erase marks from the tape.

To erase shot marks from the tape

To erase a shot mark, use the following procedure.


If you erase a shot mark from the tape, it cannot be read back in.


2 Holding down the SHIFT/ENTRY button, select F2 (REC/ERS) to display “ERASE”.

You can now delete shot marks.

3 Turn the MULTI CONTROL knob to select on the list the shot mark you want to erase.

4 Holding down the SHIFT/ENTRY button, select F4 (ERASE).

During the erasure F4 (ERASE) lights in pink.

5 When the shot mark has been erased, close the shot mark list.

The F2 (REC/ERS) setting returns to “OFF” when shot mark erasure is complete.

6-2-4 Cuing Up to Shot Marks

To cue up to a selected shot mark

Use the following procedure.


1 Turn the MULTI CONTROL knob to select the desired shot mark from the shot mark list.

2 Select F9 (PREROLL).

To cue up to shot marks adjacent to the current tape position (index function)

1 In setup menu item 630 “SEARCH TYPE SELECT” allows you to select one of ALL, REC, SHOT1 SHOT2, and POST.

2 With F6 (MARK) selected, press the F FWD button or REW button.

While the tape is running, the F FWD button or REW button flashes.

When the shot mark is detected, its type is displayed in the ancillary message display on the lower control panel and in the text information display section on the video monitor.

For details on the video text information, see the description of F5 (CHARA) in function menu page P04: MISC-1 (page 67) and the description in setup menu item 005 (page 77).


You cannot use the above procedure to cue up to a virtual shot mark.

58 6-2 Shot Mark Operations