6.Select the server containing the file to play using the /
buttons, then press the
7.Select the folder or file from the list using the /
buttons, then press the
If you select a folder, select the file using the /
buttons, then press the
Playback starts.
To return to the last viewed source, press the HOME button twice.
To check the supported file formats
Codec List
The server is required to be
Depending on the file, playback may not be possible even when using the supported formats.
Only the panoramic JPEG files in the following horizontal/vertical sizes can be scrolled. (If the JPEG file is edited on a PC, etc., scroll may not be possible.)
-For horizontal scroll: 4912/1080, 7152/1080, 3424/1920, 4912/1920, 12416/1856, 8192/1856, 5536/2160, 3872/2160, 10480/4096, 11520/1080
-For vertical scroll: 1080/4912, 1080/7152, 1920/3424, 1920/4912, 1856/12416, 1856/8192, 2160/5536, 2160/3872, 4096/10480, 1080/11520
[Face Zoom] and [Expanded] in the option menu of [Display Size] may not work for some image files.
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