Description | Command |
Change the external serial port configuration. | set /SP/serial/external pendingspeed=integer |
| commitpending=true |
Display information about the serial connection to the host.
Change the host serial port configuration.
Note: This speed setting must match the speed setting for serial port 0, COM1 or /dev/ttyS0 on the host operating system.
Alert Commands
show /SP/serial/host
set /SP/serial/host pendingspeed=integer commitpending=true
Display information about PET alerts. You can | show | /SP/alert/rules/1...15 |
configure up to 15 alerts. |
Change alert configuration. | set /SP/alert/rules/1...15 destination=ipaddress | |
| level=downcriticalmajorminor | |
System Management Access Commands |
Display information about HTTP settings. | show | /SP/services/http |
Change HTTP settings, such as enabling | set | /SP/services/http port=portnumber |
automatic redirection to HTTPS. | secureredirect enableddisabled | |
| servicestate=enableddisabled | |
Display information about HTTPS access. | show | /SP/services/https |
Change HTTPS settings. | set | /SP/services/https port=portnumber |
| servicestate=enableddisabled | |
Display SSH DSA key settings. | show | /SP/services/ssh/keys/dsa |
Display SSH RSA key settings. | show | /SP/services/ssh/keys/rsa |
SNMP Commands |
Display information about SNMP settings. By | show /SP/services/snmp engineid=snmpengineid | |
default, the SNMP port is 161 and v3 is | port=snmpportnumber sets=enableddisabled | |
enabled. | v1=enableddisabled v2c=enableddisabled | |
| v3=enableddisabled | |
Display SNMP users. | show | /SP/services/snmp/users |
Add an SNMP user. | create /SP/services/snmp/users/snmpusername | |
| authenticationpassword=password | |
| authenticationprotocol=MD5SHA | |
| permissions=rwro privacypassword=password | |
| privacyprotocol=noneDES | |
Delete an SNMP user. | delete /SP/services/snmp/users/snmpusername | |
Display information about SNMP public | show | /SP/services/snmp/communities/public |
(read‐only) communities. |
46 VTL Value Hardware Installation Guide • Aug 2007 | A • 316196101 |