Chapter 3 Section 3.4
Setting SAP BAPI eWay Properties Configuring the eWay Environment Properties
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide 30 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
3.4 Configuring the eWay Environment Properties
The eWay Environment Configuration properties contain parameters that define how the eWay connects to and interacts with SAP R/3 within the Environment. When you create a new SAP BAPI External System, you may configure the type of External System required.To Configure the Environment Properties:1In Enterprise Explorer, click the Environment Explorer tab.
Maximum TID
Database Rows
Specifies the maximum amount of rows
for the Transaction ID (TID) database for
outbound eWays.
Set this property only if tRFC is used. This
property specifies the maximum number
of rows in the outbound TID database
that are kept before the oldest rows are
purged and their corresponding TIDs
confirmed on SAP R/3. Confirmation
allows SAP R/3 to remove those TIDs from
its TID tracking database and reduce
resource consumption.
At least 1 row.
The default is 200 rows.
Enable ABAP Debug
Enables the ABAP debugging window.
Enabling the Enable ABAP Debug
Window property opens the ABAP
debugging window on the Logical Host.
The window shows the debug
information for the RFC-enabled ABAP
application that is called by SAP R/3.
This property only works if the SAPGUI
software is installed on the Logical Host.
Yes or No.
The default mode is No; the
ABAP Debug window is
Use Load Balancing Enables load balancing for outbound
This property allows you to take
advantage of the workload balancing
provided by SAP R/3. SAP R/3 provides
workload balancing to automatically
route requests to the SAP application
server within a group of servers that has
the best response time determined at that
moment by an SAP message server.
If you disable load balancing, use the
System number property as described in
“System Number” on page 34.
Yes or No.
The default mode is No; load
balancing is disabled by
Table 5 Outbound eWay—Client Connection Settings
Name Description Required Value