Chapter 6 | Section 6.5 |
Reviewing the Sample Projects | Building and Deploying the prjBAPIOutbound Sample Project |
Figure 63 Deployment Profile
6.5.10Create and Start the Domain
To build and deploy your Project, you must first create a domain. A domain is an instance of a Logical Host. After the domain is created, the Project is built and then deployed.
Note: You are only required to create a domain once when you install the Java Composite Application Platform Suite.
Steps required to create and start the domain:
1Navigate to your <JavaCAPS51>\logicalhost directory (where <JavaCAPS51> is the location of your Java Composite Application Suite installation.
3If you have already created a domain, select your domain in the Domain Manager and click the Start an Existing Domain button. Once your domain is started, a green check mark indicates that the domain is running.
4If there are no existing domains, a dialog box indicates that you can create a domain now. Click Yes. The Create Domain dialog box appears.
5Make any necessary changes to the Create Domain dialog box and click Create. The new domain is added to the Domain Manager. Select the domain and click the Start an Existing Domain button. Once your domain is started, a green check mark indicates that the domain is running.
For more information about creating and managing domains see the eGate Integrator System Administration Guide.
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide | 91 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |