Chapter 6 | Section 6.6 |
Reviewing the Sample Projects | Building and Deploying the prjIDocInbound Sample Project |
Figure 66 jcdProcessCREMAS Business Rule
4The resulting Collaboration displays the following code:
package prjIDocInbound;
public class jcdProcessCREMAS
public com.stc.codegen.logger.Logger logger;
public com.stc.codegen.alerter.Alerter alerter;
public com.stc.codegen.util.CollaborationContext collabContext;
public com.stc.codegen.util.TypeConverter typeConverter;
public void inputCREMAS( com.stc.sapale.iDOC_CREMAS03_4X_46A.IDOC_CREMAS03_4X_46A input, com.stc.sapale.iDOC_CREMAS03_4X_46A.IDOC_CREMAS03_4X_46A output, com.stc.connector.appconn.file.FileApplication FileClient_1 )
throws Throwable
FileClient_1.setByteArray( input.marshal() ); FileClient_1.writeBytes();
Steps required to create the jcdProcessMATMAS Collaboration:
1From the Project Explorer,
2Enter a Collaboration Definition name (for this sample jcdProcessMATMAS).
3Under Web Service Type, select New: Create a new Web Service operation, and then click Next.
4Enter a new Operation name. In this example enter inputMATMAS.
5Select the input message by selecting prjIDocInbound > IDOC_MATMAS04_4X_46C, then click Next.
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide | 97 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |