Chapter 3 Section 3.3
Setting SAP BAPI eWay Properties eWay Connectivity Map Properties
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide 28 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Enable RFC Trace You enable RFC tracing with the Enable
RFC Trace property. The trace file is
rfcnumber.trc, for example,
Yes or No.
The default mode is No; the
RFC tracing is disabled.
Setting the Enable RFC Trace
parameter to Yes creates both
the JCo and RFC Trace logs.
Both are created in the same
location under:
<domain name>\config
The JCoTrace log provides
Java Runtime, version, and
path information. It also
provides a manifest.
If Enable RFC Trace is set to
No, then no trace file is
RFC Trace Level Trace level specifies the complexity of the
information in the trace file. 0 provides
minimal trace logging and 5 provides the
maximum trace logging of diagnostic
information in the trace file.
Integer value from 0 to 5.
The default number is 0.
The Enable RFC Trace level
only affects the JCo trace
level. It has no effect on the
RFC trace level.
Table 5 Outbound eWay—Client Connection Settings
Name Description Required Value