Chapter 5 Section 5.4
Configuring SAP R/3 Configuring Communications
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide 62 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Figure 36 Port Details Window
4Type in a Version (specifies IDoc record type), Logical destination, and Description,
matching the entries made previously.
5Select Enter, which displays the Change Request Query dialog window. [Note that
you must have CTS (Correction and Transport System) turned on for this screen to
be displayed.]
6Select Create Request, which displays the Create Request dialog window.
7Enter a Short description and Save.
8Select Back repeatedly to return to the SAP R/3 System window.
5.4.2 Creating a Partner Profile
Transaction: WE20
Here you create the Partner for the Logical System you created earlier. Note that the LS
Partner Type is used for all ALE distribution scenarios.
Figure 37 SAP R/3 System Window
1In the SAP R/3 System home window, type WE20 into the command field and then
click Continue (Enter) to display the Partner Profile: Initial Screen window.