Chapter 6

Section 6.6

Reviewing the Sample Projects

Building and Deploying the prjIDocInbound Sample Project

5Make any necessary changes to the Create Domain dialog box and click Create. The new domain is added to the Domain Manager. Select the domain and click the Start an Existing Domain button. Once your domain is started, a green check mark indicates that the domain is running.

For more information about creating and managing domains see the eGate Integrator™ System Administration Guide.

6.6.11Build and Deploy the Project

The Build process compiles and validates the Project’s Java files and creates the Project EAR file.

Build the Project

1From the Deployment Editor toolbar, click the Build icon.

2If there are any validation errors, a Validation Errors pane will appear at the bottom of the Deployment Editor and displays information regarding the errors. Make any necessary corrections, save then click Build again.

3After the Build has succeeded you are ready to deploy your Project.

Deploy the Project

1From the Deployment Editor toolbar, click the Deploy icon. Click Yes when the Deploy prompt appears.

2A message appears when the project is successfully deployed. You can now test your sample.

3You can also deploy applications using Enterprise Manager. For more information, see the Sun SeeBeyond eGate™ Integrator System Administration Guide.

6.6.12Run the Sample

Additional steps are required to run the deployed sample Project.

Steps required to run the sample Project:

1Go to your SAP R/3 GUI to dispatch the CREMAS or MATMAS message type IDocs to the SAP BAPI eWay. The inbound SAP BAPI eWay then sends the data to a Decision Gate which checks for the message type (CREMAS or MATMAS). The message is then unmarshaled to either a CREMAS or MATMAS IDoc OTD, and then passed to a JCD which then marshals out the IDoc and writes it to a file. The output file (CREMASoutput%d.dat or MATMASoutput%d.dat) is generated, based on the message type.

2Verify the output data by viewing the sample output files. See on page 70 for more details on the types of output files used in this sample Project.

eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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Sun Microsystems SAP BAPI manual Build and Deploy the Project, Run the Sample