Chapter 4 Section 4.2
Creating SAP BAPI OTDs Date and Time Stamp Requirements
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide 40 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4.2 Date and Time Stamp Requirements
Date and time stamp fields in the OTD are now typed as java.lang.String fields. This
means that the OTD expects values assigned to date fields as YYYYMMDD, where
February 14, 2006 becomes 20060214.
The data format time fields is HHMMSS, where 11:59:59 PM becomes 235959, or
12:00:00 AM becomes 000000.
4.3 SAP JCo Installation
The SAP Java Connector file, sapjco.jar, is a middleware component that enables the
development of SAP-compatible components and applications in Java. This component
is required by the SAP BAPI OTD Wizard to create BAPI and RFC OTDs during design
time, and to support inbound and outbound SAP server communication during
Since we are installing the SAP Java Connector as standalone component, certain
installation files are required. Download the installation files from SAPNet at Once logged in, this link redirects you to SAP Service
Marketplace. Click the following links to access the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) tools
and services page:
SAP NetWeaver > SAP NetWeaver in Detail > Application Platform >
Connectivity > Connectors > SAP Java Connector > Tools & Services
The following section details the basic guidelines for installation.
4.3.1 Procedures (Windows 32)
The following instructions apply for Windows 32 operating systems.
1Create a directory, for example C:\SAPJCo, and extract the JCo ZIP file into this
2Copy the files librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll from your SAP JCo main directory to
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32, as long as the version that is already there is not a more
recent version than the one that is delivered with the SAP JCo.
3Copy the file sapjco.jar from your SAP JCo main directory to
<JavaCAPS51>\edesigner\lib\ext, where <JavaCAPS51> is the Sun Java
Composite Application Platform Suite install directory.
4The sapjco.jar file is also required during runtime. For this, add the JAR file to
5Download the following DLL files. These are available, free of charge, from various
sources on the Internet: