Chapter 3 | Section 3.3 |
Setting SAP BAPI eWay Properties | eWay Connectivity Map Properties |
Table 4 Inbound eWay—Server Connection Settings
Name | Description | Required Value |
Enable RFC Trace | You enable RFC tracing with the Enable | Yes or No. |
| RFC Trace property. The trace file |
| contains RFC API calls, and data sent to | The default mode is No; the RFC |
| and received from the SAP R/3 host. | tracing is disabled. |
| The trace file is rfcnumber.trc, for |
| example, rfc00310_0156.trc. | Setting the Enable RFC Trace |
| parameter to Yes creates both the |
| JCo and RFC Trace logs. Both are |
| created in the same location under: |
| logicalhost\is\domains\<doma |
| in name>\config |
| The JCoTrace log provides Java |
| Runtime, version, and path |
| information. It also provides a |
| manifest. |
| If Enable RFC Trace is set to No, then |
| no trace file is generated. |
RFC Trace Level | Trace level specifies the complexity of | Integer value from 0 (min) to 5 (max) |
| the information in the trace file. 0 |
| provides minimal trace logging and 5 | The default number is 0. |
| provides the maximum trace logging of |
| diagnostic information in the trace file. | The Enable RFC Trace level only |
| affects the JCo trace level. It has no |
| effect on the RFC trace level. |
Number of RFC | Specify the number of RFC servers to | Integer value from 1 to 10. |
Servers to create | create. The created RFC servers |
| facilitate parallel processing when | The default number is 1. |
| receiving multiple requests from SAP |
| R/3. |
Transaction Mode | Specifies the transaction mode. The | A transaction mode of Non- |
| transaction mode specifies whether | Transactional or Transactional |
| tRFC is enforced. With tRFC, | RFC(tRFC) |
| transactions have unique TIDs and are |
| processed only once by this eWay. | The default mode is Non- |
| Transactional. |
eWay™ Adapter for SAP BAPI User’s Guide | 26 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |