This chapter providesintroductory information on the diagnostics tools available for
the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 servers. It also lists some problems that you might
encounter when setting up or using a Sun Fire V120 or Netra 120 server and tells
you how to solve them. Finally,the chapter explains how to interpret the LEDs on
the servers’ front and back panels.
The chapter contains the following sections:
Section 10.1, “Introductionto the POST, obdiag, and SunVTS Diagnostic Tools” on
Section 10.2, “Additional Diagnostic Testsfor Specific Devices” on page 10-8
Section 10.3, “Solutions to ProblemsYou Might Encounter” on page 10-10
Section 10.4, “Interpretingthe Front and Back Panel LEDs” on page 10-12