Appendix D System Board Jumper Settings D-3
JP15 1-2 (Open) Thisjumper is for use by Sun service engineers only. It enables
and disables emergencyrecovery of the LOM firmware. In its
default state (Open), recoveryof the firmwareis not possible.
However,service engineers might need to follow a special
procedureto recover the firmware for the LOM, and this
procedureinvolves temporarily changing the setting of JP15 to
Fitted. Afterwards,it must always be returned to Open.
JP16 1-2 (Fitted) This jumper write-enables the OBP softwareto allow you to
update it. If you need to protectthe OBP software from being
over-written,change the jumper setting to Open.
JP17 1-2 (Open) This jumper tells the DVD or CD-ROM drive (if one is installed)
that it is a Master ATAdevice. For the DVD and CD-ROM
drives currentlyavailable for the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120
systems, this jumper must be Open.
TABLED-1 Factory-Default Jumper Settings (Continued)
Jumper DefaultSetting Description