7. RS-232 Port
This connects to the serial port of a home computer, allowing the Flash memory software to be upgraded. Latest software can be downloaded from our website: www.sunÞre.com.
The port can also connect to the serial port of a Home Theater Controller, allowing the Receiver to be operated remotely.
8. FM Antenna
The supplied FM antenna Þts this
9. AM Antenna
These connections are for the included AM loop antenna.
10. Ground Screw
This is commonly used for the ground connection wire of a turn- table, to prevent any hum in your speakers. It is tied to the chas- sis ground, and may be used as needed. Note: It is not necessary or desirable to connect this to an electrical ground.
11. Audio Inputs
These audio inputs connect to the outputs of your turntable, DAT or TAPE player. Any standard audio component with a
12. Audio Outputs
These audio outputs connect to the analog record inputs of your tape decks, such as DAT, cas- sette or reel to reel. These outputs allow you to record the selected audio program. Note that these also allow analog recording from digital audio sources.
User's Manual
13. 8-CH Input
These audio inputs can connect to the output of an external surround processor, or a source component such as
Note: This is designed to be a very short
14. Stereo Outputs
ZONE 2 connects to the inputs of a stereo ampliÞer to run Zone
2.The volume and source are adjustable, either from the front panel, or from a remote IR sensor.
15.Digital Inputs
These inputs connect to the digital outputs of your audio/video com- ponents. The DVD, SAT and VID1 and CD inputs have two options, optical or coaxial. The DAT and VID2 inputs are coaxial only.
Whenever one of these inputs is selected from the front panel or remote, the Receiver will automatically select the digital input if there is a signal present, otherwise it will select the corre- sponding analog input.
16. Line-level Outputs
left surround back, right surround back, right surround and three identical subwoofer (LFE) outputs.
17. Digital Output
This S/PDIF output is active for all sources except the
18. Side-Axis Outputs
These outputs provide two optional front side channels to complement the left, center, right, surround and surround back channels. They can be turned on or off using the Speaker Size OSD menu (see page 38).
19. IR Inputs
These are used in custom instal- lations to control the Main Zone and Zone 2 from a remote loca- tion. The input accepts 1/8” mono
20. AC Line Fuse
Always unplug the linecord from the AC Mains before checking or changing the
fuse. Use a Screwdriver and gen- tly twist off the fuse holder.
If this fuse blows, you must replace it with a fuse of exactly the same size and current rating.
21. IEC Linecord Socket
The Receiver comes with a de- tachable linecord which connects here.
Plug the linecord into an AC wall socket or power strip which is cor- rectly conÞgured with the voltage speciÞed for your model.