4.1Tyco Solarlok Connectors
·Tyco Solarlok connectors may only be connected to permanent lines!
·They may not be disconnected under load!
·For this purpose, interrupt the electric circuit at a suitable point! Put a corre- sponding sticker on the lines near the Tyco Solarlok connector!
·To avoid an electric shock, always disconnect the Tyco Solarlok connec- tors from all other voltage sources during preparation!
Illustr.: Manual crimping tool for assembly of Tyco Solarlok connectors
Contamination of any kind (dust, moisture, etc.) has a negative effect on the working order of the connector system over its aspi- red service life. That especially applies to the working order of the seals and the crimping of the contacts. Therefore, make sure everything is clean during assembly.
Illustr.: Tyco Solarlok connectors