Symantec 10 manual About Norton AntiVirus Quarantine, If Norton AntiVirus can’t repair a file

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About Norton AntiVirus Quarantine

28Responding to emergencies

About Norton AntiVirus Quarantine

3Click Scan/Repair.

The Virus Scan window displays the name and status of any infected files found by the scan. Selecting the name of a file in the Virus Scan window enables you to repair, delete, or learn more about a file.

If Norton AntiVirus can’t repair a file

If Norton AntiVirus cannot repair the infected file, first make sure you have scanned with the latest virus definitions. If you are not sure that you have the latest definitions, use LiveUpdate. Then scan your hard disk with the latest virus definitions.

About Norton AntiVirus Quarantine

Sometimes Norton AntiVirus detects an unknown virus that cannot be eliminated with the current set of virus definitions. Norton AntiVirus prompts you to put the file in Quarantine, or it quarantines it automatically. Files that are in Quarantine have been removed from their original location on your computer and are isolated, so that they cannot spread or reinfect your computer. You can’t view the file in the Finder or use the file while it is in Quarantine. This prevents you from accidentally opening the file and spreading the virus.

Repairing, deleting, and restoring files in Quarantine

The Quarantine window displays the items that Norton AntiVirus has detected as potentially harmful, and has put in Quarantine to prevent the file from infecting your computer.

You can leave a file in Quarantine without doing any harm to your computer, but you can’t view the file in the Finder or use the file while it is in Quarantine. Depending on whether you want to keep the file, you can repair, delete, or restore quarantined files from the Quarantine window.

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Symantec 10 manual About Norton AntiVirus Quarantine, If Norton AntiVirus can’t repair a file, 3Click Scan/Repair