Speaker Connection

Before connection

Check the imp edance of you r speakers. Co nnect speaker with an
impedance of 4 Ω or more.
The black speaker terminals are “_” (negative).
Generally, the “+” side of the sp eaker cab le is marked to make
it distinguishable from the “_” side of t he ca ble. Connect this
marked si de to the “+” ter minal and the unmarked side to the
black “_” terminal.
Prepa re the sp eaker c ables f or conn ect ion by st ripp ing of f
approximately 3/8” (10 mm) or less of the outer insulation.
Twist the strands of the stripped wires ti ghtly together:
The metal portions of the two separate wires should not touch or
an electrical short can occur. Removing too much insulation may
lead to a short circuit if the bared wired should come in contact
with each other. Shorted wires can create a fire hazard o r induce a
failure in your equipment.

How to connect

1. Turn the terminal cap counterclockwise to loosen it. The speaker
terminal caps cannot be fully removed from the base.
2. Insert the wire into the terminal f ully and turn the terminal cap
clockwise to securely connect it:
Make sure none of the wire insulation is under the terminal, only
the bare, stripped wire.
3. Make sure it is fastened firmly by pulling the cable lightly.


Connect a subwoofer using a commercially-available RCA cable.
Use a subwoo fer wi th bu ilt-in amplifier referre d to as a “p owered
After all connections a re complete, connect the power cor d’s plug to the AC wall socket.
< R ead the instructions of each component you intend to use with this unit.
< B e sure to connect each plug securely. To prevent hum and noise, do not bundle the connection cords.