AM outdoor antenna
If the AM lo op ant enna provi ded d oes n ot de live r suf fici ent
reception (often due to bein g too far from the transmitter or in a
concrete buildin g, etc.), it may be n ecessary to use an outd oor AM
Use either a high qualit y commerciall y available AM antenna or,
if not available, an insulated wire more than 16 ft (5 m) long, strip
one end, and connec t this to the terminal as shown above.
The anten na wire should be strung outdoors or indoors near a
window. For better rec eption, conne ct the GND terminal to a
reliable ground.
< Ev en when using a n outdoor AM antenna, do not disconnect the
AM loop antenna.
FM indoor antenna
Connect the supp lied lead -type FM antenna to the FM 75Ω
socket and extend the lead.
Adjust the antenna in a suitable location like a window frame or
wall which gives the best reception and th en fix the antenn a in
that position with thumb tacks or the like.
FM outdoor antenna
In an area where FM signals are weak, it will be necessary to use a
75 Ω unbalanced -type o utdoor FM antenna. Ge nerally, a 3-element
antenna will be sufficient; if you live in an area where the FM signals
are particularly weak, it may b e necessary to use one wi th 5 or more
< D isconnect the FM indo or antenn a when using an FM outdoo r
Connecting Antennas (FM)