Index- 2 CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Acquisition controls
acquisition control background, 3--39
acquisition hardware, 3--40
acquisition modes, 3--41
aliasing illustrated, 3--33
average, 3--30, 3--35
condition, 3--32
envelope, 3--30, 3--35
equivalent-time sampling, 3--43
equivalent-time sampling, illustrated, 3--45
global controls, 3--33
Hi Res, 3--28, 3--35
intensity, 3--53
interleaving, 3--46
interpolation, 3--45
linear interpolation, 3--45
methods to check and eliminate aliasing, 3--33
peak detect, 3--28, 3--35
preventing aliasing, 3--33
real time, 3--36
real-time sampling, 3--42
record length, 3--41
repetitive signal, 3--36
roll, 3--32
RUN/STOP, 3--35
Run/Stop button only, 3--31
sample, 3--28, 3--35
sample interval, 3--41
sampling and acquisition mode, 3--43
sampling mode selection, 3--44
sampling process, 3--40
select the acquisition mode, 3--35
set the stop mode, 3--35
set waveform count (average and envelope only),
sin(x)/x interpolation, 3--46
SINGLE, 3--32, 3--35
single sequence, 3--32
single sequence off, 3--35
to disable roll mode, 3--39
to enable roll mode, 3--38
to select an acquisition mode, 3--34
to select real-time or equivalent-time sampling, 3--36
to set acquisition modes, 3--34
to set roll bode, 3--38
to single sequence roll mode, 3--38
to start acquiring, 3--37
to start and stop acquisition, 3--37
to stop acquiring, 3--37
to take a single acquisition, 3--37
to turn off roll mode acquisitions, 3--39
trigger point, 3--41
untriggered roll, 3--32
untriggered roll with single sequence, 3--32
using, 3--28
using fast acquisition mode, 3--47
using FastFrame, 3--56
waveform database, 3--30, 3--35
waveform record, 3--41
Acquisition mode, C--6
spectral math, 3--227
Acquisition modes, incompatible with fast acquisitions,
Acquisition overview, 3--39
Acquisition preview, 3--125
Acquisition setup, C--5
Address, Tektronix, xvii
Advanced, 3--88
Aliasing, 3--33, 3--227, Glossary--1
eliminating, 3--33
illustrated, 3--33
recognizing, 3--227
All, C--12
Amplitude, B--1, C--11, Glossary--1
Analog-to-digital converter, Glossary--1
Analyzer control locks, 3--203
AND, Glossary--1
AND, A Trigger control window, 3--106, 3--109
Annotate, 3--155
Annotate waveforms on screen, 3--149
Annotated display, 3--149
Appearance, C--9
Applications, 1--14
derivative math waveforms, 3--191
integral math waveforms, 3--193
optional, 1--13
Area, B--1, C--12, Glossary--2
Attenuating optical signals, 3--64
Attenuation, Glossary--2
Attenuation, input, C--4
Auto--increment file name, 3--247, 3--250, 3--256,
Auto--increment filename, 3--247
AutoBright, 3--139
Automated measurements, 3--148
of FFT math waveforms, 3--229
Automatic measurements, 3--148
high and low levels defined, B--6
levels used in taking, B--5, B--6
reference levels defined, B--6
reference levels defined (eye pattern/optical), B--7
Automatic trigger mode, 3--74, 3--81, Glossary--2
Autoset, 3--20, C--5, Glossary--2
how to execute, 3--17
undoing, 3--17
undo, C--5