Index- 18 CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
magnitude verses frequency, 3--202
multiple analyzer control locks, 3--203
nearest side lobe, 3--216, 3--218
phase reference point, 3--237
phase reference position, 3--212
phase unwrap, 3--212
algorithm, 3--213
dejitter, 3--213
phase verses frequency, 3--203
radian, 3--234
real and imaginary magnitudes, 3--212
recognizing aliasing, 3--227
record length, 3--204, 3--237
Rectangular window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--220, 3--235
reducing noise, 3--234
reference level offset, 3--211
resolution, 3--204, 3--237
resolution bandwidth, 3--207, 3--236, 3--237
sample rate, 3--236, 3--237
scale factor, 3--233, 3--234
scallop Loss, 3--217
scallop loss, 3--216
select a predefined spectral analysis math waveform,
select a spectral waveform, 3--231
select spectral analysis setup, 3--231
select the window type, 3--235
set the frequency domain controls, 3--236
set the magnitude scale, 3--233
set the phase scale, 3--234
set the time domain controls, 3--237
set time and frequency domain control tracking,
span, 3--207
spectral analyzer controls, 3--203
spectral averaging, 3--203
suppression threshold, 3--213
swept sine wave analysis, 3--229
take cursor measurements, 3--238
Tek Exponential window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--226,
Tek Exponential window in the time and the
frequency domains, illustration, 3--226
time and frequency domain graphs for the Flattop2
window, illustration, 3--225
time and frequency domain graphs for the Rectangu-
lar window, illustration, 3--220
time and frequency graphs for the Gaussian Window,
illustration, 3--219
time and frequency graphs for the Hanning window,
illustration, 3--222
time and frequency graphs for the Kaiser-Bessel
window, illustration, 3--223
time and frequency graphs of the Blackman-Harris
window, illustration, 3--224
time and frequency graphs of the Hamming window,
time domain controls, 3--202
to define a spectral math waveform, 3--231
to select a predefined spectral math Waveform,
to take automated measurements of a spectral math
waveform, 3--229
to take cursor measurements of a spectral math
waveform, 3--229
unwrap phase, 3--234
using spectral math controls, 3--203
using the frequency domain controls, 3--207
using the gate controls, 3--206
using the magnitude controls, 3--210
using the phase controls, 3--212
using the time controls, 3--204
using windows to filter, 3--214
window characteristics, 3--214, 3--216
window functions, 3--202
windowing the time domain record, illustrated,
zero phase reference, 3--216, 3--218
Spectral math waveform
aliasing, 3--227
phase suppression, 3--213
undersampling, 3--227
zero phase reference, 3--218
Spectral math waveforms. See Spectral Math
Spectral setup, C--14
Split cursors, 3--161
Spreadsheet, file format, 3--262
Standard, accessories, 1--39
Standard deviation, 3--155, C--13
Start histogram counting, 3--169
Startup disk, creating, 1--11
State, main trigger menu, 3--109, 3--110
State trigger, 3--91, 3--109
how to set up, 3--109
Statistical measurement, Glossary--15
Statistics, 3--155, C--12
on measurement results, 3--149
Statistics controls, C--12
Status, calibration, 3--172, 3--179
Stddev, B--3