Index- 14 CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
split cursors, 3--161
standard deviation, 3--155
statistics, 3--149
take a snapshot of measurements, 3--158
take measurements on a frame, 3--150
taking automatic measurements, 3--148
taking cursor measurements, 3--160
taking histograms, 3--168, 3--184
to calibrate probes, 3--177
to compensate passive probes, 3--180
to compensate the oscilloscope, 3--172
to deskew channels, 3--181
to set the cursor sources, 3--165
to start and reset histogram counting, 3--169
to take automatic measurements, 3--153
tracking, cursor, 3--167
using automatic measurements, 3--150
using cursors, 3--162
using histograms, 3--169
vertical cursors, 3--161
vertical cursors measure from the trigger point,
zoom, 3--160
Median, B--3, C--13
Mesial, Glossary--10
Min, 3--155
take automatic measurements, 3--154
Minimize, C--2
Minimum, B--2, C--11, C--13, Glossary--10
Min-max, 3--157
Mode, Glossary--10
acquisition, 3--41
Mode, acquisition, C--6
Mode, trigger, C--8
Monochrome gray, C--10
Monochrome green, C--10
More, C--12
Mouse, 3--129
Multimode cable, Glossary--10
Multipurpose knobs, 3--165, C--16
MultiView zoom, 3--131–3--146
See also Zoom
feature, 3--131
NAND, Glossary--10
NAND, A Trigger control window, 3--106, 3--109
Neg duty cycle, C--12
Neg overshoot, C--11
Negative duty cycle, B--2
Negative overshoot, B--2
Negative width, B--2, C--12
Negative, A Trigger control window, 3--94, 3--96,
3--100, 3--102, 3--121
Net offset, A--8
Network connection, 1--15
No persistence, C--9
reducing in phase FFTs, 3--234
reducing in phase waveforms, 3--213
Noise pk--pk, C--12
Noise pk-pk measurement, B--4
Noise RMS, B--4, C--12
NOR, Glossary--11
NOR, A Trigger control window, 3--106, 3--109
Normal trigger mode, 3--74, 3--81, Glossary--11
Normal, display, C--10
Numeric, file format, 3--262
Nyquist frequency, 3--227
O/E electrical out to Ch1 input adapter, 3--65
O/E converter, 3--63
O/E to SMA adapter, 3--66
Objects, display, C--9
Off, C--12
Offset, C--4
DC. See DC Offset
vertical, 3--20, 3--192, 3--193
Online help, 3--283
Operating requirements, 1--7
dark compensation, 3--67
input connector, 3--64
O/E electrical out to Ch1 input adapter, 3--65
O/E to SMA adapter, 3--66
wavelength gain compensation, 3--67
Optical-to-electrical converter, Glossary--11
Option installation, 1--14, C--16
Option key, 1--14
Option software, 1--14
Optional accessories, 1--41
Options key, C--16
Options list, C--16
OR, Glossary--11
OR, A Trigger control window, 3--106, 3--109
Orientation, printing, 3--278
Output, 3--245
Outputs, 3--64
Overshoot, Glossary--12