Note: Some terms in this glossary may not occur elsewhere in this manual.
Term Description/Definition
10BaseT an Ethernet standard that uses twisted (“T”) pairs of copper wires to transmit at
10 megabits per second (Mbps)
100BaseT same as 10BaseT except ten times faster (100 Mbps)
APICOM name of a remote control program offered by Teledyne-API to its customers
ASSY Assembly
CAS Code-Activated Switch
CD Corona Discharge, a frequently luminous discharge, at the surface of a conductor
or between two conductors of the same transmission line, accompanied by
ionization of the surrounding atmosphere and often by a power loss
CE Converter Efficiency, the percentage of light energy that is actually converted into
CEM Continuous Emission Mo nitoring
Chemical formulas that may be included in this document:
CO2 carbon dioxide
C3H8 propane
CH4 methane
H2O water vapor
HC general abbreviation for hydrocarbon
HNO3 nitric acid
H2S hydrogen sulfide
NO nitric oxide
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOX nitrogen oxides, here defined as the sum of NO and NO2
NOy nitrogen oxides, often called odd nitrogen: the sum of NOX plus other compounds such as
HNO3 (definitions vary widely and may include nitrate (NO3), PAN, N2O and other
compounds as well)
NH3 ammonia
O2 molecular oxygen
O3 ozone
SO2 sulfur dioxide
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