Models T803, 803E Appendix A Menu Trees (Referen ce: 06763C DCN6418) Appendix A

Error! Unknown document property name.Error! Unknown document property name. A-17

APPENDIX A-3: Warnings and Test Measurements, Software Versions 1.0.3 (T-Series)/A.3 (E-Series)

Table A-2: Warning Messages

Name 1 Message Text Description

WSYSRES SYSTEM RESET Instrument was power-cycled or the CPU
was reset.
WDATAINIT DATA INITIALIZED Data storage was erased.
WCONFIGINIT CONFIG INITIALIZED Configuration storage was reset to factory
configuration or erased.
WO2ALARM1 3 O2 ALARM 1 WARN O2 concentration alarm limit #1 exceeded
WO2ALARM2 3 O2 ALARM 2 WARN O2 concentration alarm limit #2 exceeded
WCO2ALARM1 2 CO2 ALARM 1 WARN CO2 concentration alarm limit #1
WCO2ALARM2 2 CO2 ALARM 2 WARN CO2 concentration alarm limit #2
WSAMPFLOW SAMPLE FLOW WARN Sample flow outside of warning limits
specified by SAMP_FLOW_SET variable.
WSAMPPRESS SAMPLE PRESS WARN Sample pressure outside of warning limits
specified by SAMP_PRESS_SET
Chassis temperature outside of warning
limits specified by BOX_SET variable.
WO2CELLTEMP 3 O2 CELL TEMP WARN O2 sensor cell temperature outside of
warning limits specified by O2_CELL_SET
WCO2CELLTEMP 2 CO2 CELL TEMP WARN CO2 sensor cell temperature outside of
warning limits specified by
CO2_CELL_SET variable.
WDYNZERO CANNOT DYN ZERO Contact closure zero calibration failed
while DYN_ZERO was set to ON.
WDYNSPAN CANNOT DYN SPAN Contact closure span cali bration failed
while DYN_SPAN was set to ON.
WREARBOARD REAR BOARD NOT DET Rear board was not detected during
power up.
WRELAYBOARD RELAY BOARD WARN Firmware is unable to communicate with
the relay board .
WFRONTPANEL FRONT PANEL WARN Firmware is unable to communicate with
the front panel.
WANALOGCAL ANALOG CAL WARNING The A/D or at least one D/A channel has
not been calibrated.
1 The name is used to request a message via the RS-232 interface, as in “T BOXTEMP”.
2 T-Series/E-Series: 801, 803 or 802 with CO2 option.
3 T-Series/E-Series: 802 or 803.
4 T-Series/E-Series: 801 or 803.
5 T-Series/E-Series: 802 only.
6 T-Series/E-Series: 803 only.
7 T-Series/E-Series: 802 with CO2 option.
8 T-Series/E-Series: 801 or 802 without CO2 option.
10 External analog input option.
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