Appendix A Models T803, 803E Appendix A Menu Trees (Referen ce: 06763C DCN6418)

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APPENDIX A-5: DAS Triggering Events, Parameters, Software Versions 1.0.3 (T-Serie s)/A.3 (E-Series)

Table A-5: DAS Trigger Events

Name Description

ATIMER Automatic timer expired
EXO2ZR 3 Exit O2 zero calibration mode
EXO2SP 3 Exit O2 span calibration mode
EXO2MP 3 Exit O2 multi-point calibration mode
2 slope and offset recalculated
EXCO2Z 1 Exit CO2 zero calibration mode
EXCO2S 1 Exit CO2 span calibration mode
EXCO2M 1 Exit CO2 multi-point calibration mode
CO2SLC 1 CO2 slope and offset recalculat ed
EXITDG Exit diagnostic mode
CONC1W Concentration limit 1 excee ded
CONC2W Concentration limit 2 excee ded
2 sensor cell temperature warning
CO2TMW 1 CO2 sensor cell temperature warning
SFLOWW Sample flow warning
SPRESW Sample pressure warning
BTEMPW Box temperature warning
1 T-Series/E-Series: 801, 803 or 802 with CO2 option.
2 future.
3 T-Series/E-Series: 802 or 803.

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