Index Teledyne API T803 CO2/O2 Analyzer Operation Manual
Term Description/Definition
cm3 metric abbreviation for cubic ce ntimeter (replaces the obsolete abbreviation “cc”)
CPU Central Processing Unit
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DAS Data Acquisition System
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DFU Dry Filter Unit
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol used by LAN or Internet
servers to automatically set up the interface protocols between themselves and
any other addressable device connected to the network
DIAG Diagnostics, the diagnostic settings of the analyzer.
DOM Disk On Module, a 44-pin IDE flash drive with up to 128MB storage capacity for
instrument’s firmware, configuration settings and data
DOS Disk Operating System
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DR-DOS Digital Research DOS
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
EEPROM also referred to as a FLASH chip or drive
ESD Electro-Static Discharge
ETEST Electrical Test
Ethernet a standardized (IEEE 802.3) computer networking technology for local area
networks (LANs), facilitating communication and sharing resources
FEP Fluorinated Ethylen e Propylene polymer, one of the polymers that Du Pont
markets as Teflon®
Flash non-volatile, solid-state memory
FPI Fabry-Perot Interferometer a special light filter typically made of a transparent
plate with two reflecting surfaces or two parallel, highly reflective mirrors
GFC Gas Filter Correlation
I2C bus a clocked, bi-directional, serial bus for communication between individual
analyzer components
IC Integrated Circuit, a modern, semi-conductor circuit that can contain many basic
components such as resistors, transistors, capacitors etc in a miniaturized
package used in electronic assemblies
IP Internet Protocol
07276B DCN6418