Getting Started Teledyne API T803 CO2/O2 Analyzer Operation Manual
Figure 3-2: Display Screen and Touch Control
The front panel liquid crystal display screen includes touch control. Upon
analyzer start-up, the screen shows a splash screen and other initialization
indicators before the main display appears, similar to Figure 3-2 above (may or
may not display a Fault alarm). The LEDs on the display screen indicate the
Sample, Calibration and Fault states; also on the screen is the gas concentration
field (Conc), which displays real-time readouts for the primary gas and for the
secondary gas if installed. The display screen also shows what mode the analyzer
is currently in, as well as messages and data (Param). Along the bottom of the
screen is a row of touch control buttons; only those that are currently applicable
will have a label. Table 3-2 provides detailed information for each component of
the screen.
Do not use hard-surfaced instruments such as pens to operate the
control buttons.
07276B DCN6418