Models T803, 803E Appendix A Menu Trees (Referen ce: 06763C DCN6418) Appendix A

Error! Unknown document property name.Error! Unknown document property name. A-11

Setup Variable Numeric

Units Default

Value Value Range Description

CO2_DIL_FACTOR 1 1 0.1–1000
Dilution factor for CO2. Used only
if is dilution enabled with
FACTORY_OPT variable.
50 CO2_CELL_SET 1 ºC
30–70 CO2 sensor cell temperature set
point and warning limits.
CO2_CELL_CYCLE 1 Seconds 10 0.5–30
CO2 cell temperature control
cycle period.
CO2_CELL_PROP 1 1 0–10
CO2 cell PID temperature control
proportional coefficient.
CO2_CELL_INTEG 1 0.1 0–10
CO2 cell PID temperature control
integral coefficient.
CO2_CELL_DERIV 1 0 (disabled) 0–10
CO2 cell PID temperature control
derivative coefficient.
CO2_STD_CELL_TEMP 1 ºK 323 1–500 Standard CO2 cell temperatur e
for temperature compensation.
CO2_STD_CELL_PRESS 1 "Hg 28.50 1.00–50.00
Standard CO2 cell pressure for
pressure compensation.
O2_TARG_SPAN13 % 20.95 0.1–100
Target O2 concentration during
span calibration of range 1.
O2_SLOPE131 0.5–2 O2 slope for range 1.
O2_OFFSET13 % 0 -10–10 O2 offset for range 1.
CO2_TARG_SPAN11 % 12 0.1–1000
Target CO2 concentration during
span calibration of range 1.
CO2_SLOPE111 0.5–5 CO2 slope for range 1.
CO2_OFFSET11 % 0 -10–10 CO2 offset for range 1.
O2_TARG_SPAN25 % 20.95 0.1–100
Target O2 concentration during
span calibration of range 2.
O2_SLOPE251 0.5–2 O2 slope for range 2.
O2_OFFSET25 % 0 -10–10 O2 offset for range 2.
CO2_TARG_SPAN24 % 12 0.1–1000
Target CO2 concentration during
span calibration of range 2.
CO2_SLOPE241 0.5–5 CO2 slope for range 2.
CO2_OFFSET24 % 0 -10–10 CO2 offset for range 2.
Range control mode. Enclose
value in double quotes (“) when
setting from the RS-232
CONC_RANGE1 % 100 0.1–500 D/A concentration range 1
CONC_RANGE2 % 100 0.1–500 D/A concentration range 2
CONC_RANGE3 2 % 15 0.1–500 D/A concentration range 3
07276B DCN6418