Index Teledyne API T803 CO2/O2 Analyzer Operation Manual
Term Description/Definition
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride, a polymer used for downstream tubing
Rdg Reading
RS-232 specification and standard describing a serial communication method between
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment)
devices, using a maximum cable-length of 50 feet
RS-485 specification and standard describing a binary serial communication method
among multiple devices at a data rate faster than RS-232 with a much longer
distance between the host and the furthest device
SAROAD Storage and Retrieval of A erometric Data
SLAMS State and Local Air Monitoring Network Plan
SLPM Standard Liters Per Minute of a gas at standard temperature and pressure
STP Standard Temperature an d Pressure
TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, the standard communications
protocol for Ethernet devices
TEC Thermal Electric Cooler
TPC Temperature/Pressu re Compensation
USB Universal Serial Bus: a standard connection method to establish communication
between peripheral devices and a host controller, such as a mouse and/or
keyboard and a personal computer or laptop
VARS Variables, the variable settings of the instrument
V-F Voltage-to-Frequency
Z/S Zero / Span
07276B DCN6418