Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Making an Outside Call to an Isdn Trunk

Models: Digital Telephone

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Quick Reference

Making an Outside Call

1.Lift the handset or press 6SNU

...or if you do not have Automatic Line Selection, you must also:

press /LQH

...or 3RROHG￿/LQH￿ *US

...or [DN], then enter a CO line or line group access code (see “CO Line Access Codes” on Page 109 ).

2.Dial the telephone number.

3.When finished with

the call, hang up or press 6SNU.

The LED flashes green and the digits are displayed as you dial.

The display automatically changes from dialed number to elapsed time after a programmed period. After you hang up, elapsed time is displayed for 15 seconds and then changes to date/ time display.

NO. 203


NO. 203 5551374

NO. 203 00: 13: 23

Making an Outside Call to an ISDN Trunk

1.Access an outside CO line

2.Dial the number.

3.Press 6WDUW.

The dialed digits will not be sent until you press this button or until the timer expires. See “ISDN Outgoing Calling” on Page 47 for more information on ISDN calls.

Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99


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Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Making an Outside Call to an Isdn Trunk