Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Door Locks, To unlock a door

Models: Digital Telephone

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Door Lock(s)

If you press 'R￿1RW￿'LVWXUE while a call is ringing, the ringing stops. The LED continues to flash.

Door Lock(s)

Your telephone may have up to five 8QORFN￿'RRU button(s), which enables you to unlock a door.

Door Lock Button


Unlock Door 0




Unlock Door 1




Unlock Door 2




Unlock Door 3




Unlock Door 4




To unlock a door

Press 8QORFN￿'RRU. The door unlocks for three or six seconds (set in system programming). The Unlock Door LED is lit while the door is unlocked.

Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99


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Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Door Locks, To unlock a door