Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Handsfree Monitoring, To use handsfree monitoring

Models: Digital Telephone

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Handsfree Monitoring

2.Do not lift the handset; speak toward the telephone in a normal voice level.

If you have a speakerphone, you will have better performance if you press the called [DN] button first.


A [DN] must be pressed (or the handset must be taken off-hook) to actually answer the call. This is necessary before transferring or placing an internal call on hold.

You can press 9RO or 9RO to control the volume of the Handsfree Answerback caller’s voice and ring tone. See Chapter 1—The Grand Tour for more information on volume control.

Handsfree Monitoring

Calls placed on hold by an outside party may be monitored handsfree. This feature frees you from having to hold the handset to your ear until the outside party returns to the call, enabling you to take care of other tasks in the meantime.

To use handsfree monitoring


While on an off-hook

The Spkr LED lights red.


call, press and hold






Place the handset on-

The Spkr LED stays on and you can hear the distant party



through your telephone speaker.


Release 6SNU.

For privacy, press 0LF to turn your telephone’s microphone



off. (Otherwise, your conversations may be picked up.)


Lift the handset when

Note Each station’s 0LF can be set in system programming


the party returns.

to switch ON/OFF with one touch, to switch OFF only



while pressed and held, or to be either ON/OFF at the



start of handsfree dialing. See your System



Administrator if you want the setting changed.





Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99

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Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Handsfree Monitoring, To use handsfree monitoring