Call Forward
Only incoming calls over CO lines dedicated to immediately ring your [PDN], the private CO /LQH button, and/or DID line, call forward externally. Any of the other Call Forward modes can be set for your [PDNs] or [PhDNs] simultaneously with Call Forward- External.
Using Call Forward Buttons
If your telephone has been system programmed for a Call Forward button, you can use one of the following Call Forward buttons to set the feature for a [PDN]: &DOO)UZG$OO&DOOV, &DOO )UZG%XV\, &DOO)UZG1R$QVZHU, &DOO)UZG%XV\1$QV, &DOO)RUZDUG ([WHUQDO, and &DOO)RUZDUGWR(Call
Using Access Codes
If your telephone has not been programmed for Call Forward buttons or you are forwarding a [PhDN], you must use access codes to set the Call Forward feature.
LCD Telephones
The LCD on your telephone provides you with call forwarding information.
Make CF Call
When you call a [DN] that is forwarded [203], the [DN] you called is shown first.
The display changes to the [DN] where your call forwarded (210).
Receive CF Call
NO. 201 203
NO. 201 210
When a call is forwarded to your [DN] (210), the calling [DN] (205) is displayed on the left and the [DN] called is displayed on the right [203].
NO. 201 205 CALL 203
Note The LCD examples shown in the following sections are identical to those on your telephone’s LCD. At times, the entries on the display will scroll off the LCD and only portions of the entries will remain.
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