
Speed Dial—Advanced Features

Linked Speed Dial Example

The System Administrator can store a CO line access code plus international long distance dialing codes in System Speed Dial locations (See Table 16 on page 112). You link the System Speed Dial code to a telephone number stored in any Station Speed Dial location on your station.

System Administrator

Stores the CO line access code and the international dialing sequence (9011813) in the System Speed Dial location *690 from the administrator station.

Press 5HGLDO + 6SHHG￿'LDO + ￿￿￿ + [PDN] + ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ + 5HGLDO.

Note When you press [PDN], the letter “I” (Intercom) is displayed on your LCD. It is the [PDN] that is used to automatically access internal dial tone before dialing the remaining numbers in the Speed Dial sequence (in our example that number is 9011813).


￿￿￿– System Speed Dial Code that is linked.

￿– CO line access code.

￿￿￿– international area code.

￿￿– country code (example: Japan)

￿– city code (example: Tokyo)

Station User

Stores the System Speed Dial information on Speed Dial Code 10.

Press 5HGLDO + 6SHHG￿'LDO +￿￿ + 6SHHG￿'LDO + ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ + 5HGLDO.


￿￿– Station Speed Dial Code.

￿￿￿– System Speed Dial Code being linked to Speed Dial Code 10.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ – local Tokyo telephone number.

To use the new link

From your station, press the 6'￿(￿￿) button or 6SHHG￿'LDO￿+ ￿￿. Your telephone automatically dials ￿ to access a CO line, then the international dialing sequence code plus the local telephone number.


Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99

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Image 78
Toshiba Digital Telephone manual Linked Speed Dial Example, To use the new link