TL-WDR4900N900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
Figure 4-124 System Log
Auto Mail Feature - Indicates whether auto mail feature is enabled or not.
Mail Settings - Set the receiving and sending mailbox address, server address, validation information as well as the timetable for Auto Mail Feature, as shown in Figure 4-125.
Figure 4-125 Mail Account Settings
From - Your mail box address. The Router would connect it to send logs.
To - Recipient’s address. The destination mailbox where the logs would be received.
SMTP Server - Your smtp server. It corresponds with the mailbox filled in the From field. You can log on the relevant website for help if you are not clear with the address.
Authentication - Most SMTP Server requires Authentication. It is required by most mailboxes that need User Name and Password to log in.
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