System Options
•Name: Enter a name for the switch
•Location: Enter the switch physical location
•Contact: Enter the name of contact person or organization
Community strings
Serve as a password.
•Strings: Key in the name of string
•RO: Read only. Enables requests accompanied by this string to display
•RW: Read write. Enables requests accompanied by this string to display
•And then, click
Add |
Trap Manager
A trap manager is a management station that receives traps, the system alerts generated by the switch. If no trap manager is defined, no traps will issue. Create a trap manager by entering the IP address of the station and a community string.
•IP Address: Key in the trap device IP
•Community Strings: The trap device community strings
•And then, click
Add |
Configuration Backup
In Configuration Backup, user can restore the backup configuration into the industrial switch. Also, user can backup the configuration to TFTP server.
TFTP Restore Configuration
User can restore flash ROM value from TFTP server, but user must put the backup image in TFTP server, industrial switch will download the image back to the flash.
•TFTP Server IP Address: Key in the TFTP server IP
•Restore File Name: Key in the restore file image name
•And then, click
Apply |