2.Detach the inner slide from the outer slide by pressing on the release latch Œ and pulling apart the inner slide from the outer slide •. Do the same for the other slide.
3.Align the inner slide’s first round screwhole with the screwhole on the system chassis beside the mounting ears and attach the screw together with next screwhole. Do the same for the other side .
NOTE: For the correct orientation on mounting the inner slides to the cabinet, refer to the picture above.
4.Attach a post slide mount adapter to the front end of the outer slide by securing 2 sets of hex screws and hex nuts together without stretching the inner rails.
5.Attach a post slide mount adapter to the rear end by moving the inner rails to expose the screw holes. Do the same for the other outer slide.
6.Attach the newly assembled outer slide with the post slide mount adapters to the front and rear corners of the rack that you will use to place the system chassis by securing only the first and last screwholes