Table 3. Local Mode programming Function Codes and Default Settings
| (XXh = Hex |
| Code in |
| ASCII) |
12 | MSR Track 1,3 Suffix | ?<CR> | Used to send suffixes after the magnetic |
| (3Fh,ODh) for | card data. |
| both format 1 |
| and 3 |
13 | MSR Track 3 Account | : (3Ah) for | Used to send an account separator on the |
| Separator | format 3 | magnetic card data. |
14 | MSR Track 2 Prefix | ; (3Bh) for | Used to send a prefix before magnetic card |
| format 2 | data. |
15 | MSR Track 2 Field Separator | = (3Dh) for | Used to send a field separator between |
| format 2 | fields of magnetic card data. |
16 | MSR Track 2 Suffix | ?<CR> | Used to send a suffix after the magnetic |
| (3Fh,0Dh) for | card data. |
| format 2 |
17 | MSR Bad Read Track 1,3 | M1!<CR> | Used to send a key sequence to the host |
| (4Dh,31h, | computer upon a bad magnetic card read. |
| 21h,0Dh) |
18 | MSR Bad Read Track 2 | M2!<CR> | Used to send a key sequence to the host |
| (4Dh,32h, | computer upon a bad magnetic card read. |
| 21h,0Dh) |
19 | MSR Sending | Send any | Used to send MSR data if one or both |
| track (0) | tracks are good. 0 = send any track; |
| 1 = send only if both tracks are good. |
20 | RS232 Port 0 Baud Rate | 9600 Baud | Used to select a baud rate for Port 0. Baud |
| Rate | rates available are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, |
| 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600. |
21 | RS232 Port 0 Stop Bits | 2 stop bits | Used to select number of stop bits (1 or 2) |
| used with Port 0. |
22 | RS232 Port 0 Parity | No parity | Used to select parity used with Port 0. |
| Selections available are; no parity, odd |
| parity, or even parity. |
23 | RS232 Port 0 handshaking | Both | Used to select method of handshaking |
| used with Port 0. Selections available are: |
| none, CTS/RTS, XON/XOFF or both. |
24 | RS232 Port 0 Word Length | 8 bits | Used to change the word length, 7 or 8 |
| bits, of the data at Port 0. |
25 | RS232 port 0 Prefix | None | Used to place a prefix before the packet of |
| data before it is sent out of the keyboard |
| Main Port. (This function is inactive if port |
| 0 is the main port.) |
26 | RS232 port 0 Suffix | (<CR> (0Dh) | Used to place a suffix after the packet of |
| data before it is sent out of the keyboard |
| Main Port. (This function is inactive if port |
| 0 is the main port.) |
| Table 3. Local Mode programming Function Codes and Default Settings | ||
Series 600 POS Keyboard | 31 |